
SAMIM comprehensive software

  • Teacher’s smart class book
  • Special panel for parent in two windows and android version
  • Descriptive, written and multiple choice test

SAMIM comprehensive software

  • Compatiable to Sanad and Dana systems
  • Teacher’s smart class book
  • Special panel for parent in two wen and android version
  • Descriptive, written and multiple choice test

Hasht system

  • Job and educational guidance
  • Introducing work values
  • Introducing personality type
  • Inappropriate jobs
  • Introducing personal abilities
  • Appropriate jobs
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Hasht system
  • Job and educational guidance
  • Introducing job values
  • Introducing personality type
  • Inappropriate jobs
  • Introducing personal abilities
  • Appropriate jobs
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Sigma Danesh Network

  • A platform, for making schools smart
  • A platform to supply scientific requirements of students, parents, consultants, managers and executive personnel of schools
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Publishing specialized book regarding course selection and jobs

  • 97 theses of introduction of university course
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Publishing specialized book regarding course selection and jobs

  • 97 theses of introduction of university course
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working scopes
Subsidiary companies
Certificates and agreements